Garden Experiment Videos

Garden Experiments

I have a lot of time to think while I'm gardening, and often I catch myself thinking, "I wonder...?" or "What would happen if I...?" Most of the time I can find the answers online, but sometimes I want to see for myself.

Experiment 1 - Super Potato Onion Nest Not So Super 

Experiment 2 - Bulb Planting Depth; Potato Onions Bulbs Exposed to the Elements

Experiment 3-1A - Soak Potato Onion Bulbs in 4 Cups to 1T Water/Bleach Solution for 5 Minutes to Produce Bigger Clones 

Experiment 3-2B - Soak Potato Onion Bulbs in 9 to 1 Water/Bleach Solution for 10 Minutes to Produce Bigger Clones 

4 Cups Water/1T Bleach for 5 Minutes - Soak Shallot Bulbs from Outside Vendor 

4 Cups Water/1T Bleach Solution 10 Minutes - Soak Red Dutch Shallot Bulbs from Outside Vendor 

9 to 1 Water/Bleach Solution 10 Minutes - Soak Red Dutch Shallot Bulbs from Outside Vendor 

Experiment 5 - Planted 15 Perfectly Round Potato Onion Bulbs 

Experiment 6 -Planted Hemisphere-Shaped Potato Onion Bulbs